Welcome to the Savvy Art Site!

Welcome to the Savvy Art Site where you can learn how to improve your art! I have liked to draw ever since I was a baby, so I know a bit of tips and tricks for drawings, and I want to share those tips and tricks with you! As an artist, you want to improve your art in every way you can, right? Well, I'll tell you some tips and tricks that can help improve your art. (And I'll tell you the things that can kill your art.)

Here is an overview of the tips I will be talking about!

Intro To Each Tip

Color Palettes

Color palettes can affect your art in good and bad ways. Different kinds of color palettes affect the feel of your art and even the look of your art! For example, a piece with dark colors such as black, grey, dark purple, and dark red would give off fearful and "dark" vibes. However, a piece of art with a color palette of yellow, sky blue, and spring green would give off happier vibes. In my page about using color palettes, you will learn what color palettes you should use to make sure your art gives off the "right vibe."

An art piece of mine that uses a simple color scheme of blue and orange An art piece of mine that uses one color to give a black and white piece a pop of color in an interesting way

Lining vs. No Lining

Lining your art and not lining your art can affect your art in good and bad ways as well. Lining your art makes your art look more like an illustartion and cartoon-like. However, going lineless with your art can give off a realistic look to your art. In my page about using inked lining and not using inked lining in your art, you will learn how to use vary your lining to affect the way your art looks.

An art piece of mine that does not use any inked lines An art piece of mine that does use inked lining

Content and Creativity

A way to take your art to the next level is to lay out your art in a creative way. This can include your art being a silhoulette of something else, using different perscpectives in your art, and overall laying out different parts of your art in a way that makes your art look more appealing. In my page about content and creativity, I will teach you how to use creative borders, silhouettes, and perspectives in your art to make your art more interesting.

An art piece of mine that uses blossoms in a way to affect how the art is layed out An art piece of mine that uses the silhoute of a wolf to lay out the art piece An art piece of mine that uses things from each season to border the center piece